Course in Information Retrieval

General Information

Lecturer Dr. Thomas Eckart
Lab Advisors Christopher Akiki, Lukas Gienapp, Maik Fröbe
Workload 2 SWS Lecture, 1 SWS Lab
Lecture Monday, 11:15 - 12:45, HS 19, starting 8.4.2024
Lab Monday, 13:15 - 14:45, HS 19, starting 15.4.2024
Contact Email
Exam Thursday 18.07.2024 13:30 - 14:30 Room: HS 7
Permitted resources for the exam - a non-programmable calculator
- a one-sided, handwritten DIN A4 sheet of paper with notes (with name + matriculation number, has to be handed in)


  • Lectures will take place in person, but have additionally been prerecorded. The videos can be accessed by following the lecturenotes below, or on the Webis youtube channel. [playlist]
  • Lab and corresponding material consists of a project in which you program your own domain-specific information retrieval system.
  • Examination will take place as written exam.
  • Communication
    • Lecture website - materials and announcements will be uploaded on this website.
    • Email - important announcements will be sent out via mail.



The lab project consists of building and evaluating an information system for a specific domain. This entails data processing, implementing retrieval methods, and an analysis of the retrieval system.
Lab project material will be published here over the course of the semester.
Deliverables are to be handed in by mail to the lab supervisors and/or Tira.

Project reports are expected to be 3 pages, including references, tables, and figures.
Please format your report using the official ACM template (available below for both LaTeX and Word); it should be single-column layout with no copyright notice. For LaTeX, this can be achieved by setting \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} and \setcopyright{none} in the preamble.

Date Title Materials Deliverables
  • Lab Overview, Group Formation
  • Milestone I Information Session
  • Milestone II information session
  • Milestone I due
  • Topic XML file (see example) via mail.
  • Milestone III information session
  • Milestone II due
  • Complete relevance annotations on Doccano.
  • Project Q&A
  • Project Q&A
  • Wrap up
  • Questions/Comments/Concerns
  • Canceled due to illness. Report deadline until end of day still stands!
  • Milestone III due
  • Improved Software submission on TIRA.
  • Hand in report as PDF via mail.