Research Seminar

General Information

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Martin Potthast
Workload 2 SWS Lecture
Place Paulinum P701
Time Thursday, 13:15 - 14:45
Intended subjects Bachelor's and Master's theses in the departments TEMIR and ASV or from the fields of NLP and machine learning in general.



  • Seminars are in-person. Attendance is expected to facilitate discussion.
  • Materials will be organized via this website.
  • Please let your supervisor review your talk/slides before giving it, and provide us with the slides a few days in advance.


  • 25.04.2024
    Justin Löscher: Ranking Explanations via Query Reformulation for Web Search (Thesis Presentation) [slides]
    Niklas Deckers: Scheduling appointments and Organizational Information
  • 02.05.2024
    Niklas Deckers: Scientific Writing & Presentations [slides] [resources]
  • 13.06.2024
    Bärbel Hanle: Classification of Shared Tasks Used in Teaching (ITiCSE 2024 conference preparation talk)
  • 20.06.2024
    Tobias Jennerjahn: Lightweight Passage Re-ranking Using Embeddings from Pre-trained Language Models
    Moritz Wörmann: Metric Guided Pipelines for UI Layout optimisation [slides]
  • 27.06.2024
    Julian Thilo: Text2SQL - Exploring Relational Databases with Natural Language User Interfaces [slides]
    Moritz Böhme: Optimizing Stable Diffusion Prompts in Text Space [slides]
  • 04.07.2024
    Sebastian Heineking: Trigger Warning in Fanfiction: An Analysis of Usage Consistency and the Effect of Prescriptive Annotation Guidelines [slides]
    Tim Pfeiffer: Generating Walton Arguments with LLMs