Course in Statistics for Digital Humanities

General Information

Lecturer Jun.-Prof. Dr. Martin Potthast
Lab Advisors Kim Bürgl
Workload 2 SWS Lecture, 2 SWS Lab
Lecture Mondays, 11:15 - 12:45 - Seminargebäude 3-10 Zoom conference
Lab Wednesdays, 11:15 - 12:45 - Seminargebäude 3-12 Zoom conference
Contact Email
Exam Tuesday 22.02.2022 10:00 - 11:00 - Hörsaal 1
Retake Exam Monday 04.04.2022 10:00 - 11:00 - Seminargebäude S420


  • The slides habe been updated on November 15th, 2021.
  • Due to sceduling conflicts, the lab is held on Wednesdays, 11:15 in room SG-3-12. The first lab will be held on the 20th of October.
  • As lecture and lab will take place in person, please read the Hygiene and Infectios Desease Concept.
  • Please register yourself in the Moodle course.


  • Lectures are live and take place in person. Lecturenotes will be published here. Lectures and Exercises will be held in German. First lecture takes place on the 11th of october.
  • Lab consists of weekly exercises which are published here. Programming exercises with Python are voluntary and demonstrate use cases of statistics in DH whereas non-programming exercises are compulsory and at least 50% of the points need to be reached as a prerequisite to complete the module. Exercises shall be handed over in groups of three students. Group organisation and uploading exercises is done via Moodle. First lab session for organisational purposes and group finding will be held on the 11th of october.
  • Communication
    • Email - important announcements will be sent out via mail (Using Moodle).


Lab Class